Osteopathy and Pregnancy

Osteopathy links the mobility of structures and tissues to health. In other words, the freer and less strain on the body the more health can be expressed by the body as there is better blood from to and from structures, less strain on posture and less tension on the nervous system.

This philosophy applies to an expectant mother. The less tension and strain on an expectant mother the more adaptable the mother is to physical changes occurring in the body during pregnancy. Osteopathic manual treatment can be suitable in all three trimesters. Osteopathy for pregnancy helps dissipate the pain and discomfort of postural changes that occur in the second and third trimesters with the increasing weight of your developing child. Hormonal changes affect the ligaments of your whole body and can make it more susceptible to strain. Common stress points are the ligaments of the sacroiliac joints at the back of your pelvis and the pubic symphysis at the front.